Friday, October 15, 2010

Holiday Plans

Hey Kinfolk!

Everyone save Sunday, December 19th for our Hampton Christmas. If anyone already has church programs scheduled, we can work around it. We've had an offer for Thanksgiving at the Dasher lake house. Let Judy know what you think. 

Also, remember that Sibby has surgery Thursday, October 21st.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Jim's Knee Surgery

Hey Kinfolk!

Jim (Jan's Jim not Judy's Jim) is having his second knee replacement surgery this morning (October 6th) at Smith Northview.  Just got word that he came out of surgery fine and is in recovery.  More details and his room number to come later.  He'll probably be in the hospital for the remainder of the week.  Remember him (and Jan) in your prayers! 

Judy & Jim's Trip

Judy & Jim recently returned from their trip to Hawaii!  It wasn't a typical vacation trip to Hawaii, but it was a mission-oriented stay.  Judy said she had never worked so hard in all her life!  They did get to do a little sightseeing on the weekends though.  We'll have to get the details from Judy & Jim next time we see them.  Here are a few pictures from their trip.  Enjoy!


Is this Judy dancing???  Is that an African folk dance?  We need the details from this one for sure!

Going to do a little sightseeing!


They may have posed for this one.  :-)  Just kidding!  Judy & Jim did a lot of cleaning, working, and serving while they were there. 

 We are so glad you guys are back home in GA!